
The Skookum cat was developed in the 1990s by Roy Galusha. The aim of the breeding programme was to produce a breed wtih short legs and a curly coat. This was achieved by crossing Munchkins with LaPerms. Other breeders joined the programmes from America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.
The Skookum is a fairly new breed and is only recognised as an experimental breed currently.
Skookum are playful and fun cats. They are good at jumping and climbing despite having short legs. They are affectionate and intelligent and make great family pets.
All colours and patterns.
Einzelheiten zur Rasse
- Status: Selten
- Herkunft: USA
- Ungefährer Entstehungszeitraum: 1990s
- Haarlänge: Kurzhaarig
- Aktivitätsgrad: Hoch
- Vokalität: Mittel
- Child friendly: Kinderfreundlich
- Intelligenz:
- Verspieltheit: Verspielt
- Pflegeanforderungen: Einmal pro Woche
- Gewicht: 2.5 - 4.0kg
- Größe: Klein
- Hauskatze oder Freiläufer: Outdoor Cat
- Verträglichkeit mit anderen Haustieren:
- Soziale Bedürfnisse: