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Bracco Italiano (Italienischer Vorstehhund)

Bracco italiano hund, der aufmerksam und konzentriert aussieht. Bracco italiano hund stehend auf einem feld Nahaufnahme des kopfes von bracco italiano im seitenprofil Bracco italiano welpe schaut über eine mauer Zwei bracco italiano hunde spielen auf einem feld Bracco italiano hund springt in einem feld bei sonnenuntergang


The Bracco originates from Italy and was bred to drive game into hunters' nets, but when the gun became popular with hunting, the role changed and the breed was used for pointing and retrieving. It's appearance is similar to a pointer/Basset Hound, but this is definitely a hunting breed. Most likely a cross over thousands of years, many believing the Segugio Italiano and Asiatic Mastiff were once involved. They are the most popular of all hunting breeds in it's home country and is renowned for it's noble appearance.


The Bracco is an affectionate dog who loves to meet new people. They make good pets and like to be close to their owners, in fact they do badly if left alone for too long; they need companionship. They like children and are very calm and patient with them, the same applies to other dogs/cats within the home - if raised with them. They are a hunting breed and need to learn early on, what to hunt and what to ignore. They will gladly climb on to your lap for a cuddle and ear scratch, forgetting just how big they are. They will warn you when someone is at the door, but are rarely aggressive. They are friendly towards strangers but can be slightly wary at times.

Training is relatively straight forward, they are quite responsive and like the attention that positive praise brings. You do need to remind them who is boss every so often, but harsh correction should be avoided. They respond best to consistent and fun training and seem to relish in learning new things. Braccos are a working breed and as such like to work; the more you ask them to do, the happier they will be. They do well in competitions such as obedience, tracking and retrieving. They like the mental challenge of working and it helps keep them mentally stimulated. Games within the house will also keep them entertained, as will food based games where they need to work out how to get the treat.

Braccos need a fair amount of exercise and this is best done is a secure area. They have little road sense and will dash off when they pick up a scent. Recall is usually good unless something else has caught their nose. They are fine with other dogs if socialised from a young age and like to play. As long as they receive a very long walk every day, they aren't demanding dogs and will quite happily sleep at home. If they are bored they can get up to mischief and like to steal things and wander off with them. Destructive behaviour is a sign that they need more exercise/something to do.

Their coat is short and requires only occasional brushing to remove dead hair.

They can suffer Canine Hip Dysplasia and ear trouble, so ears should be checked often and cleaned as necessary.


Bracco Italianos have a companionable and loving temperament. They love human interaction and will form tight bonds with their family. They get on ok with other pets (especially if raised with them) but early training and socialisaation can really improve their obedience and tolerance in adult life. These are alert dogs who will often bark when a guest arrives but don't expect anything more than that.

Gesundheitliche Probleme

Health problems that may affect Bracco Italianos include bloat, skin infections and eye infections (mainly due to loose skin folds that get dirty).

Einzelheiten zur Rasse

  • Status: Common
  • Lebenserwartung: 12 - 13 years
  • Gewicht: 25 - 40 kg
  • Höhe: 22 - 26"
  • Selten: NEIN
  • Fell: Kurz
  • Pflegeanforderungen: Einmal pro Woche
  • Stadt oder Land: Land
  • Mindestanforderungen an Umgebung: Großes Haus
  • Mindestanforderungen an Garten: Großer Garten
  • Rassetyp: Jagdhund
  • Größe: Groß
  • Energieniveau: Mittel
  • Benötigte Bewegung: Mehr als zwei Stunden

Fotos der Rasse

Ein weißer hund mit braunen flecken bei einem spaziergang am fluss
Olympos la mia dolce miele
Olympos vieni al mio carnevale

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